Justice League International / America – Issue 24


Having discovered he possesses the meta-gene, Max Lord returns to the cave of the Construct and Metron’s computer in order to find our if it knew in advance of his powers. Reconnecting it to a power source, he forces the computer to answer that it did, indeed, know before it self destructs, causing a cave in and destroying his League communicator, sealing him in. In desperation, he cries out for help and is somehow heard in the JLI Embassy by Blue Beetle who convinces the other heroes to go with him and find Max, returning with him to the Embassy. With the Invasion over, the JLI Embassy is the venue for the League and several other heroes to get together so that Max can approach them in an attempt to recruit members for his new venture. However, the shrunken Khunds from Justice League America #22 which Oberon trapped in several Roach Motel boxes, grow to full size in the Embassy’s kitchen. Breaking out of the room, they are confronted by a large gathering of heroes and attempt to escape, pursued by the heroes. At the end of the day, Max and Oberon review the members they have selected to form the new Justice League Europe.

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Title: The Road Less Traveled / Hostage / Across A Crowded Room


Writer David Levin
Plotter Keith Giffen
Scripter J.M. DeMatteis
Artist Dean Haspiel
Penciller Ty Templeton
Inker Joe Rubinstein
Colorist Matt Webb
Colorist Gene D’Angelo
Letterer Bob Lappan
Letterer John D’Agostino
Cover Penciller Kevin Maguire
Cover Inker Joe Rubinstein
Editor Joey Cavalieri
Editor Andrew Helfer


Creeper Jack Ryder
Maxwell Lord
Hawkman Katar Hol
Hawkwoman Shayera Thal
Elongated Man Ralph Dibny
Oberon (DC)
Green Lantern G’Nort Esplanade G’neeshmacher
Starman Will Payton
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Atom Ray Palmer
Big Barda Barda Free
Metamorpho Rex Mason
Booster Gold Michael Jon Carter
Animal Man Bernhard ‘Buddy’ Baker
Ice Tora Olafsdotter
Flash Wally West
Green Lantern Guy Gardner
Firestorm Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Raymond
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Rocket Red Dmitri Pushkin
Captain Atom Nathaniel Christopher Adam
Batman Bruce Wayne
Major Force Clifford Zmeck
Martian Manhunter J’onn J’onzz
Wonder Woman Diana
Fire Beatriz DaCosta
Mr. Miracle Scott Free
Blue Beetle Ted Kord

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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