Justice League of America, Vol. 1 – Issue 184


Power Girl, Firestorm and Orion attack the Injustice Society, hoping to stop them before they can fully ressurect Darkseid but are defeated by The Fiddler. In Granny Goodness’s orpahnage Superman, Wonder Woman and Big Barda find a secret enclave of children trying to fend for themselves; among them is a psychic who is able to tell them of how Darkseid’s spirit had reached out to Earth-Two and found the Injustice Society and forced them to help bring him back from the dead. Oberon, Green Lantern and Dr Fate discover Highfather imprisoned by Darkseid’s forces and manage to free him. Batman, Huntress and Mr Miracle discover the plans of Darkseid: not only his ressurection but the transfer of Apokolips itself into the Earth-Two universe, destroying the Earth in the process.

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SKU: 296169-DC Comics-Justice League of America, Vol. 1-184-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Crisis Between Two Earths Or Apokalips Now!


Writer Gerry Conway
Penciller George Pérez
Inker Frank McLaughlin
Colorist Gene D’Angelo
Letterer Ben Oda
Cover Artist George Pérez
Cover Artist Dick Giordano
Cover Penciller George Pérez
Cover Inker Dick Giordano
Editor Len Wein


Icicle Joar Mahkent
Fiddler Isaac Bowin
Shade Richard Swift
Highfather Izaya
Oberon (DC)
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Big Barda Barda Free
Darkseid Uxas
Huntress (Earth-2) Helena Wayne
Firestorm Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Raymond
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Wonder Woman Diana Prince
Batman Bruce Wayne
Dr. Fate Kent Nelson
Mr. Miracle Scott Free
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

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