Justice League of America, Vol. 2 – Issue 26


Vixen is alone in an unfamiliar world, trying to set things right. Most of her companions are missing, but one constant remains: the compulsion of the storyteller towards symmetry and symbols. This world may never have seen her Justice League, but it’s seen a Justice League, and she intends to find it.

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SKU: 309428-DC Comics-Justice League of America, Vol. 2-26-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Second Coming, Chapter Five: Spiritus Mundi

Storyarc: The Second Coming


Writer Dwayne McDuffie
Artist Ed Benes
Colorist Pete Pantazis
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Artist Ed Benes
Cover Colorist Hi-Fi Colour Design
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Adam Schlagman


Green Lantern John Stewart
Red Arrow Roy Harper
Zatanna Zatanna Zatara
Firestorm Jason Rusch
Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Animal Man Bernhard ‘Buddy’ Baker
Flash Wally West
Paladin Bruce Wayne
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Black Lightning Jefferson Pierce
Batman Bruce Wayne
Wonder Woman Diana
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
