Justice League, Vol. 3 – Issue 36A


How powerful is too powerful? Lex Luthor has assembled everything he needs to complete his plan of turning the world toward doom, including reviving the ancient goddess Perpetua and restoring her powers. But can he keep Perpetua from dragging the DC Universe into the abyss alongside the rest of the Multiverse? This is a question that hero and villain alike must ask, as the epic battle between the Justice League and the Legion of Doom across space and time comes crashing together. Everything that happens here sets the stage for the senses-shattering finale of the Justice/Doom War-and the fate of all existence hangs in the balance!

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SKU: 917636-DC Comics-Justice League, Vol. 3-36A-Comic Category: Tags: , ,


Title: Justice/Doom War, Part 7

Storyarc: Justice/Doom War


Writer Scott Snyder
Artist Howard Porter
Artist Francis Manapul
Colorist Hi-Fi
Letterer Tom Napolitano
Cover Artist Francis Manapul
Editor Jamie S. Rich


Green Lantern Alan Scott
Raven Rachel Roth
Kid Flash Wally West
Steel Natasha Irons
Cheetah Barbara Minerva
Green Lantern John Stewart
Batwoman Katherine ‘Kate’ Kane
Spoiler Stephanie Brown
Firestorm Martin Stein
Lex Luthor
Hourman Rex Tyler
Hawkman Carter Hall
Green Arrow Oliver Queen
Swamp Thing Alec Holland
Atom Ryan Choi
Sandman Wesley Dodds
Zatanna Zatanna Zatara
Starman Ted Knight
Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders
Batgirl Barbara Gordon
Flash Barry Allen
Metamorpho Rex Mason
Miss Martian M’Gann M’Orzz
Etrigan the Demon Jason Blood
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Wildcat Ted Grant
Flash Jay Garrick
Supergirl Kara Zor-El
Shazam Billy Batson
Animal Man Bernhard ‘Buddy’ Baker
Green Lantern Guy Gardner
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Black Lightning Jefferson Pierce
Robin Damian Wayne
Beast Boy Garfield Logan
Batman Bruce Wayne
Brainiac Vril Dox
Sinestro Thaal Sinestro
Wonder Woman Diana
Batman Terrence ‘Terry’ McGinnis
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance
Gorilla Grodd
Anti-Monitor Mobius
Orphan Cassandra Cain
Phantom Girl Linnya Wazzo
Batman [Justice Legion Alpha]
Green Lantern Kai-Ro
Lady Shazam Mary Bromfield
Superman [Justice Legion Alpha] Kal Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


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