Justice Society of America, Vol. 3 – Issue 3B


Hawkman’s interference saves at least some of the Heywood family, including the crippled Nathan, who was injured fighting Reichsmark. Hawkman takes him to the JSA headquarters so Dr. Mid-Nite can examine him and Sandman calls the entire team together to give them bad news. Someone has been killing both heroes and their families that have patriotic symbolism. They rush to the side of 2 families that have not been attacked yet, Liberty Belle’s mother, the first Liberty Belle, and Stargirl’s step-father, the former Stripesy. The meeting between Wildcat and his son is rudely interrupted by Vandal Savage, the person commanding the Fourth Reich, who discovers that Wildcat’s son has some surprises of his own.

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SKU: 337181-DC Comics-Justice Society of America, Vol. 3-3B-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Next Age, Chapter 3

Storyarc: The Next Age


Writer Geoff Johns
Penciller Dale Eaglesham
Inker Ruy Jose
Colorist Jeromy Cox
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Penciller Dale Eaglesham
Cover Inker Jose Ruy
Cover Colorist Rod Reis
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Green Lantern Alan Scott
Captain Nazi Albrecht Krieger
Stargirl Courtney Whitmore
Hourman Rick Tyler
Hawkman Carter Hall
Mike Dugan
Wildcat Tom Bronson
Citizen Steel Nathan Heywood
Vandal Savage Vandar Adg
Cyclone Maxine Hunkel
Baroness Blitzkrieg
Damage Grant Emerson
Mr. Terrific Michael Holt
Wildcat Ted Grant
White Dragon William Heller
Flash Jay Garrick
Starman Thom Kallor
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Sand Sanderson ‘Sandy’ Hawkins
S.T.R.I.P.E. Pat Dugan
Dr. Mid-Nite Pieter Anton Cross
Liberty Belle Jesse Chambers
Liberty Belle Libby Lawrence-Chambers

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



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