Letter 44 – Issue 28


Special one-shot issue illustrated by Alise Gluškova (Abe Sapien)! A brilliant surgeon and a brilliant software engineer must be convinced to join a manned mission to the asteroid belt, crucial to the survival of the human race. The problem-it’s a one-way trip, they both know it, and they both quite like their lives on Earth. Learn how Manesh Kalani and Kyoko Takahashi were recruited into the Clarke crew, in an issue designed to fill in crucial puzzle pieces in the Letter 44 saga!

1 in stock

SKU: 722823-Oni Press-Letter 44-28-Comic Category: Tags: ,



Writer Charles Soule
Artist Alise Gluskova
Colorist Dan Jackson
Letterer Crank
Cover Artist Alise Gluskova
Editor Robin Herrera
Editor In Chief James Lucas Jones


Charlotte Hayden
Manesh Kalani
Kyoko Takahashi
Francis T. Carroll
Brian Michter
Dr. Portek

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
