Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1 – Issue 13A


Nick Fury has assembled a Caterpillar file, filled with people who have great potential due to their parentage, but whom nobody else knows about. With Daisy Johnson’s help, he recruits several of them to help fight off the Skrull invasion. The roster includes Phobos (son of Ares), and unnamed children descended from the Phantom Rider, Doctor Druid, and the Griffin. The final member of the team has not yet been named. Layla Miller of X-Factor refused to join.

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SKU: 86543-Marvel Comics-Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1-13A-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Secret Invasion

Crossover: Secret Invasion


Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Artist Alex Maleev
Colorist Matt Hollingsworth
Letterer Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist Marko Djurdjevic
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Layla Miller
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Fury Sr.
Daisy Johnson
Druid Sebastian Druid
Yo Yo Yo Yo Rodriguez
Stonewall Jerry Sledge
Phobos Alexander Aaron
Ares John Aaron
Hellfire J.T. Slade

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
