Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1 – Issue 20


Hank is slowly readjusting to the new world around him. He has missed a lot, including the events depicted in “Avengers: Disassembled,” “Civil War,” “House of M” and “World War Hulk.” He’s finding it very hard to deal with this on top of the death of his ex-wife.

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SKU: 86549-Marvel Comics-Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1-20-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Secret Invasion, Epilogue

Crossover: Secret Invasion


Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller Jim Cheung
Penciller Carlo Pagulayan
Penciller Lee Weeks
Inker Jim Cheung
Inker Lee Weeks
Inker Jeffrey Huet
Colorist Jason Keith
Colorist Dean White
Letterer Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist Marko Djurdjevic
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Wonder Man Simon Williams
Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers
Norman Osborn
Wasp Janet van Dyne
Ronin Clint Barton
Captain America Steve Rogers
Ant-Man Henry ‘Hank’ Pym
Thor Donald Blake
Iron Man Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark
Thing Benjamin J. Grimm
Mockingbird Barbara ‘Bobbi’ Morse-Barton

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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