Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1 – Issue 4


Ultron has assimilated not only Tony Stark’s armor, but apparently has also taken his biology under it’s control. Now all of the technology and knowledge that Iron Man held is at Ultron’s command, and Ultron intends to use it to wipe out humanity.But Tony had created a failsafe, with the assistance of Hank Pym. When his vitals are read as having stopped, the Starktech 9 comes online to assist the Avengers. It has some of the answers to their questions, including the knowledge of how Ultron is controlling the weather. But they’re still left fighting a foe that went several rounds with The Sentry, and is no worse for wear.But as they struggle on, they find what might be their only advantage in dealing with Ultron… it has no imagination. All of it’s plans are born of the plans of others. But will they survive long enough to use this knowledge?

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SKU: 86475-Marvel Comics-Mighty Avengers, Vol. 1-4-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Initiative, The Mighty Avengers

Crossover: The Initiative


Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Artist Frank Cho
Colorist Jason Keith
Letterer Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist Frank Cho
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Edwin Jarvis
Lindy Reynolds
Sentry Robert Reynolds
Wonder Man Simon Williams
Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers
Wasp Janet van Dyne
Black Widow Natasha Romanoff
Henry ‘Hank’ Pym
Ares John Aaron

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
