Nightwing, Vol. 4 – Issue 68A


Being a superhero often means layers of identities. For Ric Grayson, he once had a life as a sidekick to Batman, a life he forgot when a terrible gunshot wound erased his memories. When his long lost grand-father, who is also a super-assassin called Talon, returned to his life and implanted false memories into his brain, that added another layer. Now, with Talon vanquished, Ric Grayson has to shake loose the truth. Is he the man he has created for himself, or is there still some of the old Nightwing lurking around inside his head? Even if he wanted to, could Ric be Nightwing again when four other people have put on the mask and picked up where he left off? Whichever it is, Talon made a mess of his current life, and now Ric has to start putting it all back together.

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SKU: 944754-DC Comics-Nightwing, Vol. 4-68A-Comic Category: Tags: , ,


Title: The Brain Bomb


Writer Dan Jurgens
Penciller Travis Moore
Penciller Ronan Cliquet
Inker Travis Moore
Inker Ronan Cliquet
Colorist Nick Filardi
Letterer Andworld Design
Cover Artist Travis Moore
Cover Colorist Nick Filardi
Editor Ben Abernathy
Editor Jessica Chen
Editor In Chief Robert ‘Bob’ Harras


Talon William Cobb
Ric Grayson Dick Grayson
Nightwing Red Malcolm Hutch
Isabella Haas
Condor Red

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
