Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Christianity 999
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Declan Shalvey |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |
Written by BRIAN WOOD Art by PAUL AZACETA Cover by MASSIMO CARNEVALE The generational crime drama we call ‘The Icelandic Trilogy,’ continues! The Hauksson’s making inroads into Icelandic politics, swapping one form of intimidation for another. The son of the son of the son of the son of Ulf Hauksson possesses his great-grandfather’s frontier brutality, but can he navigate the modern world?
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Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Christianity 999
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Declan Shalvey |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |