Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Commerce 1000
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Declan Shalvey |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |
‘The Icelandic Trilogy’, continues with part 6 of 9, titled ‘Commerce.’ Where once the Haukssons lived a frontier life, conquering lands with sword and shield, the twin siblings who now carry the name conquer their enemies with money and influence. As the entire nation undergoes a huge cultural shift, can the Hauksson bloodline survive?
2 in stock
Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Commerce 1000
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Declan Shalvey |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |