Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Wealth 1260
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Danijel Zezelj |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |
‘The Icelandic Trilogy,’ continues with part 8 of 9, titled ‘Wealth.’ Civil war rages and the independence of Iceland hangs in the balance. During what was called the Age of The Sturlungs, the Haukssons toil in the background, in secret, always plotting, never giving up.
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Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Wealth 1260
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Danijel Zezelj |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |