Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Waygone 1260
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Danijel Zezelj |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |
Final issue ? MATURE READERS ‘The Icelandic Trilogy’ concludes with ‘Waygone,’ rounding off the epic, centuries-spanning tale of the Haukssons, Iceland’s notorious organized crime family, also bringing Brian Wood’s critically acclaimed series to an end.
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Title: The Icelandic Trilogy, Waygone 1260
Storyarc: The Icelandic Trilogy
Writer | Brian Wood |
Artist | Danijel Zezelj |
Colorist | Dave McCaig |
Letterer | Travis Lanham |
Cover Artist | Massimo Carnevale |
Editor | Mark Doyle |