Outsiders, Vol. 3 – Issue 40


In a twist of fate, after a fight with the Teen Titans Mallah and the Brain were struck with the idea of collecting the DNA of metahumans. Over the past years, they’ve used that DNA, with the assistance of a third associate, to clone those metahumans. The results aren’t spot-on copies, but they’re usually fairly close to the original. And with their mental conditioning, the clones are obedient, and a valuable commodity.Now they have almost all of the Outsiders captive, and it’s up to Katana, and a piece of Metamorpho’s essence to free the rest of the team.

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SKU: 380609-DC Comics-Outsiders, Vol. 3-40-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Mad Scientists, Part 1: … You Make Lemonade

Storyarc: Mad Scientists


Writer Judd Winick
Penciller Ron Randall
Penciller Matthew Clark
Inker Art Thibert
Colorist Guy Major
Letterer Travis Lanham
Cover Artist Daniel Acuña
Editor Joan Hilty
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Nightwing Dick Grayson
Katana Tatsu Yamashiro
Thunder Anissa Pierce
Shift Rex Mason
Monsieur Mallah Mallah
Metamorpho Rex Mason
Grace Grace Choi
Captain Boomerang Owen Mercer
Thaddeus Bodog Sivana

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
