Secret Invasion: Front Line – Issue 1A


Ben Urich has been interviewing people for character pieces for the paper. A cabbie is having his wages garnished due to vehicle damage caused when Spider-Man and Menace were fighting. An emergency room doctor is trying to cope with the constant influx of gang-related violence. A security guard is trying to just do his job. A father and daughter are trying to work through the divorce in the family. All of these problems take a back seat, however, when the Skrull invasion hits Manhattan.

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SKU: 351196-Marvel Comics-Secret Invasion: Front Line-1A-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Secret Invasion – Secret Invasion: Front Line, Chapter One: The End Of The World

Storyarc: Secret Invasion: Front Line

Crossover: Secret Invasion


Writer Brian Reed
Artist GG Studios
Penciller Marco Castiello
Colorist Barbara Ciardo
Colorist Amerigo Pinelli
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist Juan Doe
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Ben Urich
Spider-Man Peter Parker
Jonathan Bryant
Molly Young
Menace Lily Hollister

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
