Strangers In Paradise, Vol. 3 – Issue 12


Katchoo has once again been dragged into Darcy Parker’s dark world of seduction and blackmail… but this time, there are people who care about her, and who know where she is. Detective Walsh and Francine have come to New York to help Katchoo make good on her escape. But Darcy has made it clear that she’ll find Katchoo anywhere she hides. Escaping Darcy’s reach will mean bringing down her whole operation. But when Chuck Janson recognizes Senator Henneman’s new fiancee as the woman he was living with until just before their engagement, he unknowingly gives Katchoo just the opening she needs.

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SKU: 543296-Abstract Studio-Strangers In Paradise, Vol. 3-12-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Danger Of The Night


Writer Terry Moore
Artist Terry Moore
Cover Artist Terry Moore
Cover Colorist Digital Chameleon


Francine Peters
Darcy Parker
Katchoo Katina Choovanski
Tambi Mary Beth Baker
Marshal Weinstein
David Qin Yousaka Takahashi
Mike Walsh
Chuck Janson
Rachel Hampton Veronica DuBoe

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
