Super Sons – Issue 12A


“SUPER SONS OF TOMORROW” epilogue! Superboy and Robin must face the repercussions of the events of “Super Sons of Tomorrow” and how the emotional toll will affect their relationships with each other, their parents and the Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the past rears its ugly head to haunt Damian Wayne-in the form of his mother, Talia Al Ghul!   RATED T

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Title: Super Sons of Tomorrow – Super Sons of Tomorrow, Finale: Last Minute Saved

Storyarc: Super Sons of Tomorrow

Crossover: Super Sons of Tomorrow


Writer Patrick Gleason
Writer Peter J. Tomasi
Artist Tyler Kirkham
Colorist Tomeu Morey
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Artist Giuseppe Camuncoli
Cover Colorist Adriano Lucas
Editor Paul Kaminski
Editor Alex Antone
Editor In Chief Bob Harras


Alfred Pennyworth
Raven Rachel Roth
Robin Damian Wayne
Beast Boy Garfield Logan
Batman Bruce Wayne
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Aqualad Kaldur’ahm / Jackson Hyde
Starfire Koriand’r
Kid Flash Wally West II
Superboy Jonathan Samuel Kent
Savior (Titans Tomorrow) Tim Drake
Wonder Woman (Titans Tomorrow) Cassandra Sandsmark
Flash (Titans Tomorrow) Bart Allen
Superman (Titans Tomorrow) Conner Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


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