Super-Villain Team-Up/MODOK’s 11 – Issue 5


Tired of the constant betrayals and reversals involved in her attempt to steal the Hypernova from the team that M.O.D.O.K. recruited to steal it, Monica cuts loose with the Adaptoid, downloading more and newer powers, at the cost of revealing her presence to the team. With a common threat to unite them, Puma, Armadillo, Deadly Nightshade and the Living Laser are able to overcome the Adaptoid with the help of the Mandarin.But in a plan so wrought with betrayal and backstabbing, can they possibly get the score back to M.O.D.O.K.?

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SKU: 426103-Marvel Comics-Super-Villain Team-Up/MODOK's 11-5-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: How Not To Be Good Or: “The Payoff”


Writer Fred Van Lente
Penciller Francis Portela
Inker Terry Pallot
Colorist Guru eFX
Letterer Nate Piekos
Cover Artist Marko Djurdjevic
Editor Mark Paniccia
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Monica Rappaccini
Puma Thomas Fireheart
Armadillo Antonio Rodriguez
Living Laser Arthur Parks
Rocket Racer Robert Farrell
Mandarin Khan
M.O.D.O.K. George Tarleton
Deadly Nightshade Tilda Johnson

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
