Superman, Vol. 1 – Issue 655


Clark Kent is flying to Kazakstan where an old friend, Dr. Callie Llewellyn is holding a press conference. She specifically requested Clark’s presence, which particularly intrigues him. In truth, she requested Clark because of his close ties to Superman. The Kazakh government had found the remains of an old Soviet experiment, and she was brought in to try to determine what it was, and how it could be safely removed from the facility without awakening it. But in the middle of her research Subjekt 17 has awakened, and Clark must deal with it.And all of these things are viewed by Arion the Sorcerer from Paris in the 17th Century. And as he is apparently no longer alive in the 21st Century, he will just have to see what he can do about it from the past.

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SKU: 452935-DC Comics-Superman, Vol. 1-655-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Cold Comfort


Writer Kurt Busiek
Penciller Carlos Pacheco
Inker Jesus Merino
Colorist Dave Stewart
Letterer Comicraft
Cover Penciller Carlos Pacheco
Cover Inker Jesus Merino
Cover Colorist Dave Stewart
Editor Matt Idelson
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Lana Lang
Arion Arhi’ahn
Subjekt 17
Callie Llewellyn
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
