Terry Moore’s Echo – Issue 17


While Julie is away with Ivy Raven, Dillon joins Dan Backer in meeting with William Dumfries. Dumfries worked with Annie Trotter at HeNRI, and understands the nature of her work. Mankind has perpetually run into problems understanding the physical systems of the universe because we use the wrong tools, Annie theorized. Instead of using mathematics based around the number ’10’, she proposed using the irrational number ‘Phi’ which is found everywhere in nature. This shift in mathematics brought everything into sharp focus for the scientists at HeNRI. Suddenly, all of the contradicting theories in nature worked together in harmony. But there was a split among the heads of the Phi Project as to what directions their research should go in. That split lead to Professor Foster selling them out to the military, and ultimately to Annie’s death.

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SKU: 242204-Abstract Studio-Terry Moore's Echo-17-Comic Category: Tags: , ,



Writer Terry Moore
Artist Terry Moore
Cover Artist Terry Moore
Cover Colorist Bryan Q. Miller


Dillon Murphy
Dan Backer
Annie Trotter
John Foster
William Dumfries

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
