Terry Moore’s Echo – Issue 18


Despite his two conflicts with Julie, The Omega is still alive and looking for her. He’s tracked down William Dumfries’ lab assistant Vijay to a bar frequented by HeNRI scientists after work, and he wants his help to find Julie. But Julie’s at the home of Ivy Raven. With the aid of Annie Trotter and the power of the Beta Suit, she’s cured Annie’s daughter not only of the disease that was killing her, but also of her deafness. After hearing Julie’s whole story, she has a few ideas about what they need to do. And her first act is to try to render Julie unconscious so that she can try to speak to the echo of Annie Trotter that still resides within the metal of the Beta Suit.

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SKU: 242205-Abstract Studio-Terry Moore's Echo-18-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,



Writer Terry Moore
Artist Terry Moore
Cover Artist Terry Moore
Cover Colorist Bryan Q. Miller


Julie Martin
Ivy Raven
Pam Mitchell
Hong Liu
Lulu Mona Lisa Barruchi
Omega Cain
Vijay Narayanan

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
