The Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective – Issue 3


Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are on the run through the land where time stands still. Fleeing from the Council of Cross-Time Kangs, the sextet of avengers exits Chronopolis and surfaces in Timely, Wisconsin! However the deadly time-trooper robots have followed them to the badger state! So the Avengers rush back to Chronopolis…only to encounter Alioth in the process of invading Kang’s empire! Meanwhile in the Temple of Immortus, Terminatrix plays her role in the strange death of the Master of Time. And then in the next chamber she comes face-to-face with Revelation! But before Terminatrix can attack, she learns about Alioth’s pending invasion of her empire! There may be only one way to stop Alioth! Revive the Conqueror! Bringing back Kang…is that good for the time-space continuum, much less the Avengers?

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SKU: 886161-Marvel Comics-The Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective-3-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: Days Of Maximum Probability


Writer Mark Gruenwald
Penciller Mike Gustovich
Inker Bud LaRosa
Inker Don Hudson
Colorist Chris Matthys
Letterer Steve Dutro
Cover Artist Mike Gustovich
Editor Ralph Macchio


U.S. Agent John Walker
Thunderstrike Eric Masterson
Captain America Steve Rogers
Alioth the Usurper
Thor Donald Blake
War Machine James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Iron Man Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark
Kang (Earth-6311) Nathaniel Richards
Revelation (Earth-9999) Ravonna Lexus Renslayer
Terminatrix Ravonna Lexus Renslayer

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


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