The Avengers, Vol. 3 – Issue 19


Justice and Firestar move into the Avengers’ mansion. The Wasp dramatically breaks up a news conference and tells the Avengers that Hank Pym has been kidnapped. The Avengers then scramble and make their way to the Wakanda Design group plant where an adamantium being is rampaging. The adamantium being turns out to be Alkhema-2, and not Ultron, but she’s keen on beating Ultron to the Avengers and destroying them. After an all-out force attack, Wanda completely short circuits Alkhema-2. Meanwhile, Ultron and his robot constructs have leveled the capital city of a small baltic country.

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SKU: 736014-Marvel Comics-The Avengers, Vol. 3-19-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Ultron Unlimited, Part One: This Evil Renewed

Storyarc: Ultron Unlimited


Writer Kurt Busiek
Penciller George Pérez
Inker Al Vey
Colorist Tom Smith
Letterer Wes Abbott
Letterer Richard Starkings
Cover Artist George Pérez
Cover Colorist Tom Smith
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor In Chief Bob Harras


Edwin Jarvis
Firestar Angelica Jones
Wonder Man Simon Williams
Black Panther T’Challa
Wasp Janet van Dyne
Captain America Steve Rogers
Justice Vance Astrovik
Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff
Thor Thor Odinson
Vision Victor Shade
Iron Man Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark
Megan McLaren

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
