The Multiversity Guidebook – Issue 1A


The guidebook to the greatest adventure in DC’s history is here! With a detailed concordance featuring each of the 52 worlds in the Multiverse, a complete history of DC Comics’ universe-shattering ‘Crisis’ events, a map of all known existence, AND an action-packed dual adventure starring Kamandi of Earth-51 alongside the post-apocalyptic Atomic Knight Batman of Earth-17 and chibi Batman of Earth-42, this 80-page mountain of MULTIVERSITY madness cannot be missed! The MULTIVERSITY GUIDEBOOK contains everything you ever wanted to know about DC’s parallel worlds and their super-heroic inhabitants. Meet the Agents of W.O.N.D.E.R. The Light Brigade, the Super-Americans and the Love Syndicate! Meet the Accelerated Man, Aquaflash, BiOmac and more! Overflowing with today’s top artists and completely written by Grant Morrison himself, readers of the DC Universe can’t afford to pass up this oversized, sixth chapter of MULTIVERSITY!

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Title: Maps And Legends


Writer Grant Morrison
Artist David Finch
Artist Kelley Jones
Artist Jae Lee
Artist Scott Hepburn
Artist Todd Nauck
Artist Gene Ha
Artist Cameron Stewart
Artist Joe Prado
Artist Bryan Hitch
Artist Chris Burnham
Artist Jeff Johnson
Artist Andrew Robinson
Artist Marcus To
Artist Yildiray Cinar
Artist Ben Oliver
Artist Declan Shalvey
Artist Juan Jose Ryp
Artist Gary Frank
Artist Emanuela Lupacchino
Artist Mike Hawthorne
Artist Darwyn Cooke
Artist Evan Shaner
Artist Paulo Siqueira
Artist Jed Dougherty
Artist Jake Wyatt
Artist Andy Macdonald
Artist Kalman Andraszofsky
Artist Jon Bogdanove
Artist Duncan Rouleau
Penciller Chris Sprouse
Penciller Dan Jurgens
Penciller Brett Booth
Penciller Giuseppe Camuncoli
Penciller Nicola Scott
Inker Norm Rapmund
Inker Karl Story
Inker Richard Friend
Inker Trevor Scott
Colorist Gabe Eltaeb
Colorist Alex Sinclair
Colorist Dave McCaig
Colorist Pete Pantazis
Colorist Nathan Fairbairn
Colorist Marcelo Maiolo
Colorist Hi-Fi Colour Design
Colorist Jordie Bellaire
Colorist Tomeu Morey
Colorist June Chung
Colorist Sonia Oback
Colorist Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer Todd Klein
Cover Artist Rian Hughes
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Rickey Purdin


Cyborg Victor Stone
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Flash Barry Allen
Superman (Earth-22) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Batman (Earth-22) Bruce Wayne
Green Lantern (Earth-22) Alan Scott
Starman (Earth-22) Thom Kallor
Atom Smasher (Earth-22) Albert Rothstein
Flash (Earth-22) Wally West
Deadman (Earth-22) Boston Brand
Batman (Earth-43) Bruce Wayne
Flash (Earth-2) Jay Garrick
Flash (Earth-9) Lia Nelson
Atom (Earth-9) Adam Thompson
Superwoman (Earth-11)
Batwoman (Earth-11)
Brainiac (Earth-30)
Superwoman (Earth-3) Lois Lane
Power Ring (Earth-3) Hal Jordan
Green Lantern (Earth-9)
Batman (Earth-9) William
Superman (Earth-9) Harvey Dent
Owlman (Earth-3) Thomas Wayne Jr.
Captain Marvel (Earth-5) Billy Batson
Green Lantern (Earth-2) Alan Scott
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Huntress Helena Wayne
Batman Bruce Wayne
Wonder Woman Diana
Power Woman (Earth-22) Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Green Lantern (Earth-21) Hal Jordan
John Henry (Earth-21) John Wilson
Martian Manhunter (Earth-21) J’onn J’onzz
Flash (Earth-21) Barry Allen
Uncle Sam (Earth-10)
Overman (Earth-10) Kal-L / Karl Kant
Batman (Earth-12) Terry McGinnis
Human Bomb (Earth-10)
Phantom Lady (Earth-10)
Superman (Earth-30) Kal-El
Robin (Earth-43) Dick Grayson
Batman (Earth-30)
Aquawoman (Earth-11) Anna
Superman (Earth One) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Wonder Woman (Earth-21) Diana
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne (Earth-12)
Big Barda (Earth-12) Barda Free
Green Lantern (Earth-12) Kai-Ro
Warhawk (Earth-12) Rex Stewart
Aquagirl (Earth-12) Mareena
Red Robin (Earth-22) Grayson Dick
Wonder Woman (Earth-22) Diana
Aquaman Arthur Curry
Batman (Earth One) Bruce Wayne
Hawkgirl (Earth-2) Kendra Munoz-Saunders
Dr. Fate (Earth-2) Khalid Ben-Hassin
Atomica (Earth-3) Rhonda Pineda
Ultraman (Earth-3) Clark / Kal-Il Kent
Red Tornado (Earth-2) Lois Lane
Johnny Quick (Earth-3) Jonathan Allen
Batman (Earth-2) Thomas Wayne
Val-Zod (Earth-2)
American Crusader (Earth-8)
Batman (Earth-23)
Behemoth (Earth-8) David Dibble
Green Lantern (Earth-23)
Ladybug (Earth-8)
Machinehead (Earth-8)
Steel (Earth-23)
Superman (Earth-23) Kalel / Calvin Kent
Thunderer (Earth-7)
Vixen (Earth-23)
Blockbuster (Earth-40) Mark Desmond
Doc Fate (Earth-20) Kent Nelson
Dr. Faust (Earth-40) Felix Faust
Green Lantern (Earth-20) Abin Sur
Immortal Man (Earth-20)
Lady Shiva (Earth-40) Sandra Woosan / Wu-San
Mighty Atom (Earth-20) Al Pratt
Parallax (Earth-40) (Fear Entity)
Vandal Savage (Earth-40) Vandar Adg
Sister Miracle (Earth-16) Sasha Norman
Alexis Luthor (Earth-16)
Batman (Earth-16) Damian Wayne
Superman (Earth-16) Chris Kent
Green Lantern (Earth-16) Kyle Rayner
Flash (Earth-16) Wally West
Bloodwynd (Earth-16)
Arrowette (Earth-16) Cissie King-Hawke
Peacemaker (Earth-4) Christopher Smith
Nightshade (Earth-4) Eve Eden
Blue Beetle (Earth-4) Ted Kord
Question (Earth-4) Vic Sage
Captain Atom (Earth-4) Adam Allen
Captain Marvel Jr. (Earth-5) Freddie Freeman
Mary Marvel (Earth-5) Mary Batson
Dr. Sivana (Earth-11)
Kamandi (Earth-51)
Tuftan (Earth-51)
Steel (Earth-42)
Lord Quark (Earth-48)
Dino-Cop (Earth-41)
Cyborg (Earth-42)
Aquaman (Earth-42)
Hawkman (Earth-42) Katar Hol
Green Arrow (Earth-42) Oliver Queen
biOMAC (Earth-51) Ben Boxer
Batman (Earth-17) Bruce Wayne
Flash (Earth-42)
Martian Manhunter (Earth-42) J’onn J’onzz
Accelerated Man (Earth-19)
Accelerator (Earth-39)
Alley-Kat-Abra (Earth-26) Felina Furr
American Eagle (Earth-26) Johnny Jingo
Annataz (Earth-13)
Antarctic Monkey (Earth-48)
Aquaflash (Earth-32)
Atlas (Earth-22)
Avia (Earth-51)
Bat Man (Earth-19) Bruce Wayne
Bat-Lantern (Earth-32) Bruce Wayne
Bat-Lash (Earth-18) Bart Lash
Batman (Earth-6) Wayne Williams
Batman (Earth-38) Bruce Wayne Jr.
Batman (Earth-38) Bruce Wayne
Batman (Earth-42) Dick Grayson
Batman (Earth-50) Bruce Wayne
Big Barda (Earth-51) Barda Free
Bizarro (Earth-30)
Bizarro-Batman (Earth-29)
Bizarro-Flash (Earth-29)
Bizarro-Green Lantern (Earth-29)
Bizarro-Superman (Earth-29)
Bizarro-Wonder Woman (Earth-29)
Black Arrow (Earth-32)
Blackbird (Earth-36)
Blitzen (Earth-10)
Bowboy (Earth-36)
Brother Eyes (Earth-48)
Brother Power, The Geek (Earth-47)
Brunhilde (Earth-10)
Bug (Earth-8)
Captain Carrot (Earth-26) Rodney Rabbit
Captain Leatherwing (Earth-31)
Cinnamon (Earth-18) Katherine Manser
Corvus (Earth-39)
Count Sivana (Earth-43)
Crusader (Earth-7)
Cyberion (Earth-36)
Cyborg (Earth-43) Victor Stone
Cyclotron (Earth-39)
Danger Dog (Earth-48)
Deadeye (Earth-8)
Deadman (Earth-13) Boston Brand
Devilfist (Earth-7)
‘Doc’ Future (Earth-7)
Doc Tornado (Earth-44) Will Tornado
Dr. Nemo (Earth-39)
El Diablo (Earth-18)
Enchantress (Earth-13) June Moone
Fastback (Earth-26) Timmy Joe Terrapin
Fate (Earth-13) Jared Stevens
Felina (Earth-31)
Flash (Earth-6) Mary Maxwell
Flash (Earth-12) Danica Williams
Flash (Earth-30)
Flash (Earth-43) Barry Allen
Forerunner (Earth-48) Viza Aziv
Formula-I (Earth-34)
Ghostman (Earth-34)
Gold Superman (Earth-44)
Golem (Earth-7)
Goodfellow (Earth-34)
Green Lantern (Earth-6) Len Lewis
Green Lantern (Earth-30) Hal Jordan
Green Lantern (Earth-43) Hal Jordan
Green Lantern (Earth-50) John Stewart
Hawkgirl (Earth-50) Shayera Hol
Hellblazer (Earth-13) John Constantine
Herculina (Earth-34)
Hyperius (Earth-8)
Iron Batman (Earth-44)
Iron Knight (Earth-36)
Joel Kent (Earth-38)
Kid Vicious (Earth-48)
Kite (Earth-8)
Knightwing (Earth-38) Clark Kent Jr.
Lady Quark (Earth-48) Tashanna
Lead Green Arrow (Earth-44)
Leatherwing (Earth-10)
Liana (Earth-48)
Little Cheese (Earth-26) Chester Cheese
Madame .44 (Earth-18) Jeanne Walker
Magic Lantern (Earth-47)
Majesty, Queen of Venus (Earth-35)
Major Max (Earth-8)
Manhunter 2015 (Earth-37)
Martian Manhunter (Earth-17) J’onn J’onzz
Martian Manhunter (Earth-50) J’onn J’onzz
Master Motley (Earth-34)
Mercury Flash (Earth-44)
Mercury-Man (Earth-35)
Mer-Man (Earth-36)
Microbot (Earth-7)
Micron (Earth-12)
Miss X (Earth-35)
Morphin’ Man (Earth-35)
Mr. Miracle (Earth-51) Scott Free
Nightcracker (Earth-41)
Nth Metal Hawkman (Earth-44)
Olympian (Earth-35)
Optiman (Earth-36)
Pig-Iron (Earth-26) Peter Porkchops
Platinum Wonder Woman (Earth-44)
Psi-Man (Earth-39)
Radman (Earth-34)
Ragman (Earth-13) Rory Regan
Red Dragon (Earth-8)
Rubberduck (Earth-26) Byrd Rentals
Savior (Earth-34)
Scorpion (Earth-41)
Sepulchre (Earth-41)
Shazam (Earth-6) Robert Rogers
Shooting Star (Earth-47)
Shrinking Man (Earth-19) Ray Palmer
Speed Freak (Earth-47)
Spore (Earth-41)
Sramian Snitch (Earth-29)
Starcop (Earth-35)
Stingray (Earth-34)
Adam Strange (Earth-17)
Strongbow (Earth-18)
Stuntmaster (Earth-8)
Sunshine Superman (Earth-47)
Superchief (Earth-18) Saganowahna
Superdemon (Earth-13) Etrigan
Superdoomsday (Earth-45)
Supergirl (Earth-38) Kara Kent
Superman (Earth-6) Salden / Clark Kent
Superman (Earth-38) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Superman (Earth-43) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Superman (Earth-50) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Super-Martian (Earth-32)
Supremo (Earth-35)
Swamp-Man (Earth-13) Alec Holland
Takion (Earth-51) Joshua Sanders
Tin Elongated Man (Earth-44)
Tommy Tomorrow (Earth-37)
Ultra Comics (Earth-33)
Underwaterman (Earth-10)
Walkure (Earth-7)
War-Woman (Earth-36)
Wonder Woman (Earth-6) Maria Mendoza
Wonder Woman (Earth-23) Diana
Cutie (Earth-34)
Flashlight (Earth-36) Hank
Highfather (Earth-51) Izaya
Lady Blackhawk (Earth-20) Lena
Lightray (Earth-51) Sollis
Red Racer (Earth-36) Ray
Superman (Earth-12) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Witchboy (Earth-13) Klarion
Wonder Woman (Earth One) Diana
Wonder Woman (Earth-19) Diana

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