The Ultimates 2 – Issue 12


The Liberators’ plans are falling apart all around them. The Hulk is tearing apart their high-tech hardware, and the Ultimates have freed themselves. As the international super-soldiers arrive on the scene to aid the Ultimates, Nick Fury and Betty Ross manage to rescue the President. As his army falls, Loki finds that if he’s going to start a World War, he’s going to have to take a more direct hand.

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SKU: 47984-Marvel Comics-The Ultimates 2-12-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: The Avengers


Writer Mark Millar
Penciller Bryan Hitch
Inker Bryan Hitch
Inker Paul Neary
Colorist Laura DePuy-Martin
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Penciller Bryan Hitch
Cover Inker Paul Neary
Cover Colorist Laura DePuy-Martin
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Captain America (Ultimate) Steve Rogers
Wasp (Ultimate) Janet Van Dyne
Hawkeye (Ultimate) Clint Barton
Crimson Dynamo (Ultimate) Alex Su
Hurricane (Ultimate)
Swarm (Ultimate)
Perun (Ultimate)
Schizoid Man (Ultimate)
Hulk (Ultimate) Bruce Banner
Captain Britain (Ultimate) Brian Braddock
Ultron (Ultimate)
Abomination (Ultimate) Chang Lam
Quicksilver (Ultimate) Pietro Lensherr
Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) Wanda Lensherr
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Fury (Ultimate)
Giant-Man (Ultimate) Henry ‘Hank’ Pym
Iron Man (Ultimate) Tony Stark
Thor (Ultimate) Thorlief / Thor Golman / Odinson
Loki (Ultimate) Gunnar / Loki Golmen / Odinson

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
