Truth & Justice – Issue 1A


The DC Universe is synonymous with two words: Truth and Justice, and in the first issue of this new anthology series, Vixen takes center stage. Mari McCabe is many things: superhero, model, activist, but can she add godkiller to the list? Vixen teams up with Dr. Mist and Impala of the Global Guardians to face down an ancient deity that’s taken over the body of a scientist investigating powerful magical artifacts. Vixen will need to dig deep and use all the abilities in the animal kingdom to face down this powerful primeval threat!

4 in stock

SKU: 986954-DC Comics-Truth & Justice-1A-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: The Pantheon


Writer Geoffrey Thorne
Penciller ChrisCross
Inker Jordi Tarragona
Colorist Wil Quintana
Letterer Andworld Design
Cover Artist ChrisCross
Cover Colorist Wil Quintana
Editor Andrew Marino


Vandal Savage Vandar Adg
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Dr. Mist Nommo Balewa
Impala Charles Mokose
Olympian Two

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count


