Truth & Justice – Issue 6A


It’s Damian Wayne’s birthday, and the Bat-Family throws him a surprise party in the Batcave! But it seems someone has other plans, as a pair of ancient Hittite deities crash the party! Robin’s battle with Tarhun and Arinitti takes him on a wild ride all the way to Budapest, ultimately leading him to his grandfather, Ra’s al Ghul. As Batman wages a battle to rescue his son, Damian is left to ponder a life-altering question: choose immortality and stand at his grandfather’s side, or choose mortality and continue on his path alongside his father.

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SKU: 1049498-DC Comics-Truth & Justice-6A-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: Happy Birthday, Damian!


Writer Andrew Aydin
Artist Juni Ba
Colorist Nick Filardi
Letterer Aditya Bidikar
Editor Andrew Marino


Alfred Pennyworth
Spoiler Stephanie Brown
Red Hood Jason Todd
Batgirl Barbara Gordon
Ra’s al Ghul
Robin Damian Wayne
Batman Bruce Wayne
Robin Tim Drake
Orphan Cassandra Cain
Nightwing Dick Grayson

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
