Ultimate Human – Issue 3


Pete Wisdom tells Tony and Bruce his story, from his role in D.Ops in SIS, to his promotion of a British Enhancile Program, to his plan to keep Britain self-supported in the superhuman defense and offense department. Given a very short timeframe to outperform James Braddock’s plan, he had the procedure performed on himself, and became the Leader. Now, the better understand and improve upon his condition, he needs samples from both of his captives. Neither captive is expected to survive the procedure.

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SKU: 449594-Marvel Comics-Ultimate Human-3-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Ultimate Human, Part 3

Storyarc: Ultimate Human


Writer Warren Ellis
Penciller Cary Nord
Colorist Dave Stewart
Letterer Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist Cary Nord
Cover Colorist Richard Isanove
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor Bill Rosemann
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Hulk (Ultimate) Bruce Banner
James Larner (Ultimate)
Leader (Ultimate) Peter Wisdom
Jack Tarr (Ultimate)
Sita (Ultimate)
Dr. Stragg (Ultimate)
Iron Man (Ultimate) Antonio ‘Tony’ Stark

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
