Ultimate Power – Issue 6


Reed learns of the rescue mission, and asks for a chance to talk them down, only to be gassed by Emil Burbank. The other Ultimate heroes are facing off against the Squadron Supreme, and having something of a rough time of it, as the sides are evenly matched. Spider-Man is nowhere to be found, as he hung back on the helicarrier to find out what Fury was hiding from them, and is not at all happy with what he discovers.

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SKU: 449990-Marvel Comics-Ultimate Power-6-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Ultimate Power, Part 6

Storyarc: Ultimate Power


Writer J. Michael Straczynski
Penciller Greg Land
Inker Jay Leisten
Colorist Justin Ponsor
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Penciller Greg Land
Cover Inker Jay Leisten
Cover Colorist Justin Ponsor
Editor John Barber
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate) Reed Richards
Invisible Woman (Ultimate) Susan Storm
Human Torch (Ultimate) Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm
Wasp (Ultimate) Janet Van Dyne
Hawkeye (Ultimate) Clint Barton
Spider-Man (Ultimate) Peter Parker
Dr. Spectrum (Earth-31916) Joe Ledger
Power Princess (Earth-31916) Zarda
Ant-Man (Ultimate) Henry ‘Hank’ Pym
Emil Burbank (Earth-31916)
Bill Steadman (Earth-31916)
Thing (Ultimate) Benjamin J. Grimm
Dr. Doom (Ultimate) Victor Van Damme
Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) Wanda Lensherr
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Fury (Ultimate)
Iron Man (Ultimate) Antonio ‘Tony’ Stark

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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