Ultimate Power – Issue 7


Spider-Man gets Fury to talk, and learns exactly how Doom became involved, and what contingency plan Fury had to deal with him. Meanwhile, Emil tells Reed’s inert form all about his own plan of attack, and how nobody from the Ultimate universe was responsible for the destruction of this world in any way. This knowledge doesn’t get very far before the Scarlet Witch brings forward reinforcements of another kind.

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SKU: 449991-Marvel Comics-Ultimate Power-7-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Ultimate Power, Part 7

Storyarc: Ultimate Power


Writer Jeph Loeb
Penciller Greg Land
Inker Jay Leisten
Colorist Justin Ponsor
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Penciller Greg Land
Cover Inker Jay Leisten
Cover Colorist Justin Ponsor
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor Bill Rosemann
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Hyperion (Earth-712) Mark Milton
Hulk (Ultimate) Bruce Banner
Spider-Man (Ultimate) Peter Parker
Hyperion (Earth-31916) Mark Milton
Dr. Spectrum (Earth-31916) Joe Ledger
Power Princess (Earth-31916) Zarda
Storm (Ultimate) Ororo Munroe
Emil Burbank (Earth-31916)
Cyclops (Ultimate) Scott Summers
Skylark (Earth-712) Linda Lewis
Wolverine (Ultimate) Logan / James Howlett
Shape (Earth-712) Raleigh Lund
Super Skrull (Ultimate)
Power Princess (Earth-712) Zarda Shelton
Dr. Doom (Ultimate) Victor Van Damme
Whizzer (Earth-712) Stanley Stewart
Arcanna (Earth-712) Arcanna Jones
Nighthawk (Earth-712) Kyle Richmond
Nuke (Earth-712) Albert Gaines
Quicksilver (Ultimate) Pietro Lensherr
Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) Wanda Lensherr
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Fury (Ultimate)
Dr. Spectrum (Earth-712) Joseph Ledger
Thor (Ultimate) Thorlief / Thor Golman / Odinson
Iron Man (Ultimate) Antonio ‘Tony’ Stark

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

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