Ultimate X-Men – Issue 97


The two teams of X-Men face off over the use of Banshee, and they manage to end hostilities before someone dies. However, in the process, Wolverine has learned where Banshee originally came from, where his memories have gone, and who is supplying the world with the drug today, and he’s not happy about a single one of those answers.

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SKU: 555379-Marvel Comics-Ultimate X-Men-97-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: March On Ultimatum – Absolute Power, Part 4

Storyarc: Absolute Power

Crossover: March On Ultimatum


Writer Aron Eli Coleite
Penciller Mark Brooks
Inker Jaime Mendoza
Colorist Edgar Delgado
Letterer Albert Deschesne
Cover Artist Gabriele Dell’Otto
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor Lauren Sankovitch
Editor Lauren Henry
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Professor X (Ultimate) Charles Francis Xavier
Rogue (Ultimate) Marian Carlyle
Storm (Ultimate) Ororo Munroe
Nightcrawler (Ultimate) Kurt Wagner
Phoenix (Ultimate) Jean Grey
Northstar (Ultimate) Jean-Paul Beaubier
Dazzler (Ultimate) Alison Blaire
Cyclops (Ultimate) Scott Summers
Angel (Ultimate) Warren Worthington III
Wolverine (Ultimate) Logan / James Howlett
Beast (Ultimate) Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy
Firestar (Ultimate) Liz Allan
Quicksilver (Ultimate) Pietro Lensherr
Magneto (Ultimate) Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Moira MacTaggert (Ultimate)
Colossus (Ultimate) Piotr ‘Peter’ Nikolaievitch Rasputin
Iceman (Ultimate) Robert ‘Bobby’ Drake

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
