Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1 – Issue 515


A meeting of senior X-Men members, Professor X and Namor in which they discuss the current set-up of Utopia and the needs for the residents of their haven is interrupted by Psylocke who reports that Doctor Takiguchi has passed away. The Beast and the X-Club grieve for their dead friend and plan funeral arrangements, while Cyclops discusses the current situation with Xavier, before going to San Francisco for an impromptu meeting with Mayor Sadie Sinclair, in which they also discuss current goings-ons. Sadie assures Cyclops that the X-Men and the other mutants are not wanted criminals as far as she knows. The White Queen and Danger return to the X-Men’s old HQ, Graymalkin Industries, where the White Queen explains that several dangerous mutants are still held in prison cells, and discusses their rehabilitation with Danger. Later, Doctor Takiguchi is cremated in an incinerator and the Beast conducts his funeral. Cyclops and the White Queen discuss her current “ice queen” attitude and the White Queen explains that it is due to having part of the Void inside her and being stuck in her diamond form, when suddenly, Magneto arrives! Meanwhile, at a diner somewhere out west, Scalphunter is attacked and kidnapped by a group of 5 apparent super-powered beings.

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SKU: 546319-Marvel Comics-Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1-515-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Nation X – Nation X

Storyarc: Nation X

Crossover: Nation X


Writer Matt Fraction
Penciller Greg Land
Inker Jay Leisten
Colorist Justin Ponsor
Letterer Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist Greg Land
Editor Nick Lowe
Editor Daniel Ketchum
Editor Axel Alonso
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Warpath James Proudstar
Madison Jeffries
Bouncing Boy Chuck Taine
Angel Warren Worthington III
Professor X Charles Francis Xavier
Cyclops Scott Summers
Psylocke Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock
Scalphunter John Greycrow
White Queen Emma Frost
Magneto Max / Erik Magnus Eisenhardt / Lehnsherr
Yuriko Takiguchi
Sadie Sinclair
Bouncing Betty
Beast Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy
Sub-Mariner Namor McKenzie
Kavita Rao
Storm Ororo Munroe
Dr. Nemesis James Bradley

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
