Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1 – Issue 519


While Professor X and Psylocke stand guard, the White Queen delves into Cyclops’ mind to help him battle the Void, which manifests itself as incarnations of Jean Grey. Separated from the White Queen, Cyclops is forced to battle the Void alone, and eventually contains the Void in a box and locks it in a “room” inside his head. Magneto displays how his powers could keep Utopia afloat, but the X-Club tell him he will need to do that for most of the day every day. Madison Jeffries reveals that trillions of miniscule nanobots have invaded the island, recording what is going on, and suspects that the Predator X attack was really to release the nanobots. So while the X-Club begin to work on a way to deal with the nanobots, Magneto visits the Sub-Mariner, and after discussing the Atlantean people, Magneto reveals that he wants a pillar built under Utopia where the Atlanteans can call home, while keeping Utopia afloat. The Beast reveals to Iceman that he does not know why he is with the X-Men anymore, and breaks the news to Cyclops. Meanwhile, Fantomex meets with the boy who found his mutant girlfriend slain by a Predator X.

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SKU: 546323-Marvel Comics-Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1-519-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Nation X – Nation X

Storyarc: Nation X

Crossover: Nation X


Writer Matt Fraction
Penciller Terry Dodson
Inker Rachel Dodson
Colorist Justin Ponsor
Letterer Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist Greg Land
Cover Colorist Justin Ponsor
Editor Nick Lowe
Editor Daniel Ketchum
Editor Axel Alonso
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Madison Jeffries
Angel Warren Worthington III
Professor X Charles Francis Xavier
Cyclops Scott Summers
Psylocke Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock
Fantomex Charlie-Cluster 7 / Jean-Phillipe Charles
White Queen Emma Frost
Magneto Max / Erik Magnus Eisenhardt / Lehnsherr
Beast Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy
Sub-Mariner Namor McKenzie
Kavita Rao
Dr. Nemesis James Bradley
Iceman Robert ‘Bobby’ Drake

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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