Warlord of Mars (Dynamite) – Issue 1A


Written by ARVID NELSON Art by STEPHEN SADOWSKI Covers by ALEX ROSS (30%), J. SCOTT CAMPBELL (30%), JOE JUSKO (30%) & LUCIO PARRILLO (10%) * ‘Black & White’ retailer incentive cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELL * ‘Sketch’ retailer incentive cover by JOE JUSKO * ‘Virgin Art’ retailer incentive cover by JOE JUSKO * ‘Negative Art’ retailer incentive cover by ALEX ROSS * ‘Negative Art’ retailer incentive cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELL The original warrior of Mars returns from Dynamite! Warlord of Mars, an enhancement of the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs story, Princess of Mars! If you thought you knew the story, think again! This series will capture the grit and action of the original while expanding on it with new elements. The story is about John Carter, an ex-cavalry officer in the Confederate Army who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars! Joining him in his adventures there are Tars Tarkas, his Martian comrade, and Dejah Thoris, a Martin Princess. This series is written by Arvid Nelson and is illustrated by Stephen (Avengers/Invaders) Sadowski and Lui Antonio, and features covers by Alex Ross, Joe Jusko, J. Scott Campbell and Lucio Parrillo! 32 pages FC ? $1.00 ? Teen +

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SKU: 582457-Dynamite Entertainment-Warlord of Mars (Dynamite)-1A-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: A Tale of Two Planets, Part 1

Storyarc: A Tale of Two Planets


Writer Arvid Nelson
Artist Stephen Sadowski
Colorist Adriano Lucas
Letterer Troy Peteri
Cover Painter Alex Ross


John Carter
Tars Tarkas

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
