X-Men: Black Sun – Issue 5


With the Bloodstones in his possession, Belasco sets his plan into full swing, while Wolverine, Phoenix and Thunderbird go up against the full force of the invading N’Garai. Jean supercharges Logan and Neal with her powers, while Magik teleports to Belasco’s citadel, and releases the four original X-Men from her sword. After Magik teleports away to confront Belasco, the original X-Men go up against their possessed successors. Jean is forced to face off against Pilgrimm and she learns that he is against the N’Garai as they are. After leaving Jean, Pilgrimm attacks the possessed X-Men, helping the soulless originals. Magik enters Belasco’s throne room and she is struck down by the demon lord himself. Kitty Pryde materializes from her sword and attacks Belasco, distracting him so that Magik can disrupt the Bloodstones, breaking the spell. Outside, the X-Men are no longer possessed and they have their souls back, and they combine several of their powers to encase the citadel, and inside Magik completes the attack by severing the magical power grid. The plan succeeds and the X-Men gather together to think about the events that took place. Magik appears before them and Colossus thinks her to be his sister, Illyana, and gets upset when she does not leave with them. Nightcrawler tells Kitty he knows who Magik really is, and with the X-Men gone from Limbo, Magik reveals her true identity that she is really…Amanda Sefton.

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SKU: 567066-Marvel Comics-X-Men: Black Sun-5-Comic Category: Tags: , ,


Title: Final Spell: Cast The Magik!


Writer Chris Claremont
Penciller Pablo Raimondi
Inker Jason P. Martin
Colorist Tom Smith
Letterer Pop Visuals
Cover Artist Vince Evans
Editor Mike Marts


Jean Grey (Ultimate)
Amanda Sefton
Banshee Sean Cassidy
Thunderbird John Proudstar
Sunfire Shiro Yoshida
Angel Warren Worthington III
Polaris Lorna Dane
Psylocke Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock
Colossus Piotr ‘Peter’ Nikolaievitch Rasputin
Beast Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy
Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner
Shadowcat Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde
Iceman Robert ‘Bobby’ Drake

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Weight 0.02 kg



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