X-Men Forever, Vol. 1 – Issue 6


The group tries to defeat the Stranger to no avail. Juggernaut destroys the Stranger’s physical form while Iceman and Mystique take the injured Toad to the medical bay. On the psychic plane, the Stranger discusses humanity‘s fate with Phoenix. One day humanity will evolve into eternity and become all that is, the Stranger wants to bring forth that potential now and seize control over it. After talking to Eternity herself, Phoenix knows they must defeat the Stranger. Prosh is able to bypass the Stranger’s virus in some areas and heal Toad. He also fixes Toad’s genetic make-up, giving him enhanced powers and a new appearance, however some cables of the machine needed to be reattached and Mystique, who accomplished the task, was alightly altered as well.. Toad loads a program into Prosh that makes him condense into a small jail cell for the Stranger, which then launches into space. The team go their separate ways. Iceman decides to return to the X-Men, Juggernaut tries to redeem himself by serving the government and Mystique feels that she is losing her sanity. But when she finds a newspaper of Senator Kelly, she gets an idea.

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SKU: 560313-Marvel Comics-X-Men Forever, Vol. 1-6-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Chapter Six: Tomorrow Begins Today


Writer Fabian Nicieza
Penciller Kevin Maguire
Inker Andrew Pepoy
Colorist Paul Mounts
Letterer Saida Temofonte
Letterer Richard Starkings
Separator Paul Mounts
Editor Mark Powers
Editor Ralph Macchio


Jean Grey (Ultimate)
Juggernaut Cain Marko
Toad Mortimer Toynbee
Mystique Raven Darkholme
Iceman Robert ‘Bobby’ Drake

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg



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