Title: Hybrid, Part 2 / The World Of Krypton, Part 1: Discovery
Storyarc: Hybrid
Writer | Scott Lobdell |
Writer | Andy Diggle |
Writer | Tony S. Daniel |
Writer | Frank Hannah |
Penciller | Philip Tan |
Penciller | Tony S. Daniel |
Inker | Jonathan Glapion |
Inker | Tony S. Daniel |
Inker | Matt ‘Batt’ Banning |
Colorist | Tomeu Morey |
Letterer | Taylor Esposito |
Letterer | Carlos M. Mangual |
Cover Penciller | Tony S. Daniel |
Cover Inker | Matt ‘Batt’ Banning |
Cover Colorist | Tomeu Morey |
Editor | Eddie Berganza |
Jor-El |
Aria |
Lara Lor-Van |
Jax-Ur |
Lex Luthor |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |
Kra-Hu |
Shay Veritas |
Lar |
Zora |