Title: Year One, Shared Lives
Crossover: Year One
Writer | Kevin Ferrera |
Writer | Ron Marz |
Penciller | Tom Grindberg |
Penciller | Joe Phillips |
Inker | Bill Anderson |
Inker | John Lowe |
Inker | Dexter Vines |
Colorist | Gene D’Angelo |
Letterer | Chris Eliopoulos |
Cover Penciller | Joe Phillips |
Cover Inker | Dexter Vines |
Editor | Kevin Dooley |
Carol Ferris |
Darkstar | Donna Troy |
Sentinel | Alan Scott |
Invisible Destroyer | Martin Phillips |
Warrior | Guy Gardner |
Thomas Kalmaku |
Green Lantern | Kyle Rayner |
Radu Stancu |
Parallax | Hal Jordan |
Alexandra DeWitt |
Guardians of the Universe |
Major Force | Clifford Zmeck |