Justice League of America, Vol. 2 – Issue 2B


As Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman continue their meeting in the Batcave to determine who will make up the new Justice League, several other heroes are investigating different leads that seem to be related to the theft to the Red Tornado’s android body from Dr. Magnus’ lab.Vixen finds herself confronted by The Bomb Squad at a bar in Hub City while she was trying to look up The Question. Black Lightning, at the same time, is investigating super-villains who are going missing. Black Canary, Hal Jordan and Arsenal are tracking Red Tornado’s android body to a lab in the Rocky Mountains that was once used by T.O. Morrow. The League is re-building itself, but can it survive if it’s three key members don’t completely trust one another? As Batman steps aside to talk to Comissioner Gordon, Superman and Wonder Woman take a quick moment to vote whether or not Batman will be part of the League.

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SKU: 309278-DC Comics-Justice League of America, Vol. 2-2B-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Tornado’s Path, Chapter Two: Tornado-Red / Tornado-Blue

Storyarc: The Tornado’s Path


Writer Brad Meltzer
Penciller Ed Benes
Inker Sandra Hope
Colorist Alex Sinclair
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Penciller Phil Jimenez
Cover Inker Andy Lanning
Cover Colorist Jeromy Cox
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Arsenal Roy Harper Jr.
Parasite Rudy Jones
Kathy Sutton
Plastique Bette Sans Souci
Electrocutioner Lester Buchinsky
Red Tornado Ulthoon / John Smith
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Cavalier Mortimer Drake
Traya Smith
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Black Lightning Jefferson Pierce
Batman Bruce Wayne
Dr. Impossible Jonas Lock
Wonder Woman Diana
Anthony Ivo
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance
Trident Val Armorr

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



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Release Year
