Justice League of America, Vol. 2 – Issue 3A


As Bruce, Clark and Diana meet in the cave to determine who should be part of the new Justice League, many heores are following different leads. Arsenal, Black Canary and Hal Jordan have tracked Professor Ivo to a remote cabin, where they’re confronted by an army of duplicates of Red Tornado’s body. Black Lightning has learned that supervillains were paying the Parasite to temporarily drain their powers so that they could get past scanners, but he’s faced by Trident and Dr. Impossible who seek to take the Parasite somewhere.

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SKU: 14681-DC Comics-Justice League of America, Vol. 2-3A-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Tornado’s Path, Chapter Three: The Brave & The Bold

Storyarc: The Tornado’s Path


Writer Brad Meltzer
Penciller Ed Benes
Inker Sandra Hope
Inker Mariah Benes
Colorist Alex Sinclair
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Artist Michael Turner
Cover Colorist Peter Steigerwald
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Arsenal Roy Harper Jr.
Parasite Rudy Jones
Kathy Sutton
Plastique Bette Sans Souci
Electrocutioner Lester Buchinsky
Red Tornado Ulthoon / John Smith
Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Phantom Stranger
Traya Smith
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Black Lightning Jefferson Pierce
Batman Bruce Wayne
Dr. Impossible Jonas Lock
Wonder Woman Diana
Anthony Ivo
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance
Trident Val Armorr

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
